

8×10 photo print with word description on back


Each of us have a God-given identity.  An identity that is unique and woven into us through our creation in God our Father.  We are His children; He is our Father.  He has given each of us a unique portion of His spiritual DNA that we share with Him.  Before we were even conceived, He knew our true purposes, design, and identity.

The enemy of our souls, desires and works overtime, to steal, kill, and destroy that identity.  He sends traumas, hurts, wounds, and false mindsets to divert us from who God has created us to be.

This picture shows the mask that we learn to wear to keep ourselves hidden in a world that can hurt. We use our masks to protect ourselves, and even define ourselves.

The dark right eye represents the emptiness and darkness that is found in the enemy’s identity for us. The bright light in the left eye shows our true God-given identity breaking forth.

The deer represents the tribe of Naphtali who were known to be nimble, agile, strong, and beautiful. They were the tribe of writers and dancers.  The idea of Naphtali reminds us that we can express our identity in strength through joy, words, and movement.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

– Psalm 139:13-14

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