Adar 5780

Adar 5780

Yep, it’s that time again. We have stepped into a new month on God’s calendar. As of Wednesday, we are now in the month of Adar.

I believe there is great benefit in following God’s calendar. When we are in God’s timing more blessings and provision can flow to us from our Father. One of Satan’s biggest schemes is to get you and me off God’s timing. If we are out of that timing, blessing and favor have a harder time getting to us.

image of a road disappearing into fog

When you think about how many of us have never had this calendar on our radars, you can begin to see the scope at which the enemy has sought to keep us in the dark regarding these months and God’s true timing.

Do I think we will be just fine if we don’t follow this calendar? Sure. Do I believe there will be an opportunity for abundant blessing if we do sync with this calendar? Absolutely.

So, on to this month…Adar.

image of a doe and her fawn

The Understanding

Adar is the 12th month when counting from Passover. It finishes up the cycle of months, but does not start the new year on the Hebraic calendar. The new year actually starts in the 7th month! (more on that in another post)

Identity, supply, and joy are major themes in this month. Identity is linked with Queen Esther. This is the month that Queen Esther saved her people from Haman. Esther had to reveal her true identity to bring victory into an assignment of God on her life. This is a month for us to seek God, discover our true identity, and learn to stand in it.

The Constellation

image of pisces the constellation in the stars

Pisces, the fishes, is the constellation over Jerusalem during the month of Adar. This represents supply. It is the month where Jesus told Peter to find the fish with the money in its mouth to pay their taxes.

27 But so that we don’t offend them, go to the lake and throw out your hook, and the first fish that rises up will have a coin in its mouth. It will be the exact amount you need to pay the temple tax for both of us.”

Matthew 17:27 (The Passion Translation)

During the month of Adar, there is a special anointing on knowing and understanding that we are provided for by a Father who loves us dearly. The very skies help us remember that our supply is very real and waiting for us, but not always in the obvious places!

The Alphabet

Kuf, Qoph, or Qof is the letter associated with this month. Those are three different spellings for the same letter, pronounced “kawf”.

image of the 19th Hebrew letter

Kuf is the 19th letter of the alphabet and represents the numerical value of 100.

Kuf eludes to the eye of a needle, a tight place that we need to navigate. We can definitely see this in the situation Esther found herself in. For many of us, seeking our true identity can feel like a tight, narrow place.

The Tribe

Naphtali is the tribe connected to the month of Adar. Naphtali was the sixth son of Jacob by Bilhah, Rachel’s maid.

In Genesis 49:21 Jacob’s blessing over Naphtali eludes to beautiful words, strength, and agility.

“Naphtali is a doe let loose, [a swift warrior,]
Which yields branched antlers (eloquent words).

Genesis 49:21 (Amplified Version)

To me, the doe is a key to seeing the importance of Naphtali. A doe is graceful, agile, swift, nimble, and strong. Deer make movement seem so natural, so easy. Yet, the power it takes in those hind legs to accomplish these beautiful tasks is not to be taken for granted.

image of two deer running

The naturally elegant motions of a doe is backed up with the strength, power, and agility of one who protects.

With Naphtali we enter into a sense of joyous movement. This is a key to our praise, worship, and warfare (which interestingly enough is a part of next month). Movement is a key to break off old cycles. When we move as a part of worship, or as in advancing in an area of life, we can break cycles and enter into victory and joy.

image of person with arms stretched wide open in a field of sunflowers

Naphtali represents the joyful celebratory atmosphere of Adar.

10 Then Ezra said to them, “Go [your way], eat the rich festival food, drink the sweet drink, and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be worried, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and your stronghold.”

Nehemiah 8:10 (Amplified Translation)

The Image

For the past year, the Lord has enabled me to create an image that represents the flavor (or an aspect of the flavor) for each Hebraic month. He has also given beautiful words to go along with each picture. The following represents the month of Adar:

personally created image of a gold carnival mask on a stark black background, light is shining out of one eye representing our true identity bursting fourth
*Click here to purchase 8 x 10 print

Each of us have a God-given identity.  An identity that is unique and woven into us through our creation in God our Father.  We are His children; He is our Father.  He has given each of us a unique portion of His spiritual DNA that we share with Him. Before we were even conceived, He knew our true purposes, design, and identity.  

The enemy of our souls, desires and works overtime, to steal, kill, and destroy that identity.  He sends traumas, hurts, wounds, and false mindsets to divert us from who God has created us to be.

  • This picture shows the mask that we learn to wear to keep ourselves hidden in a world that can hurt.  We use our masks to protect ourselves, and even define ourselves.
  • The dark right eye represents the emptiness and darkness that is found in the enemy’s identity for us.  The bright light in the left eye shows our true God-given identity breaking forth.  

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14 (New International Version)

I have a second image to share this month. It is similar, but brings out the dimension of the tribe of Naphtali. I feel such a weightiness on entering into the strengths and victories of this tribe, that I created this extra image.

personally created image with a gold carnival mask on a stark black background, light bursting forth as a flaming deer representing our true identity leaping both
*Click here to purchase 8×10 print

So, as you move through this beautiful, transforming month of Adar, I pray that the cycle of joy and blessings over takes any cycle of hurt and destruction. May you seek and find your true identity in our Father God.


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