The Battle


8×10 photo print with word description included


The battle between good and evil is age old, from the time of the fall of man.  At that moment, humans were open to the knowledge of good and evil.  The trouble has become determining which is which.  The enemy of our souls is a master at disguising lies as truth.  In fact, the enemy cannot create anything.  He is not God, nor was he created in the image of God and therefore cannot create.  Knowing this, the enemy takes that which is truth and perverts it, creating a “false-truth”.  The difficult part, at times, is that we inherently recognize the strand of truth, but have difficulty untwisting the false from it.  This is a primary battlefield of the enemy – our hearts, our souls, and our minds.

  • The bright white portal on the left represents truth. Truth, that which comes from God.  This is the portal of Holy Spirit from which we gain true revelation and knowledge.
  • The amber portal on the right represents “false-truth”. False truth, those truths which the enemy takes and perverts.  This is the portal from which false revelations, knowledge, and mindsets come.
  • The world at the bottom represents that this is a global battle. The battle for our hearts, our souls, and our minds is universal.  The enemy is no respecter of persons.  He will trap all of us in his false truths whenever given the opportunity.
  • The beam of light coming from the earth represents the battle, the clash between good and evil. We are the Church and we are more than conquerors in Jesus.  We take on the battle fighting for truth in our hearts, souls, and minds.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

– Ephesians 6:12