Every Moment is Eternal

Every Moment is Eternal

Every moment is eternal is the phrase that immediately came to me upon finishing this image. So much so that this has become my first piece with words as a part of the picture.

The Vision

During a time of ministry, a friend of mine had seen a vision. It was an infinity symbol where the person’s life moved along the path of that symbol. At the center, all things clicked, everything became fulfilling and flowy and all that other good stuff. However, along the rest of the path it just didn’t feel to flow the same; the center was definitely the sweet spot of life.

After explaining this vision to me, I began to see it in the spirit as well. Yet, in my vision the linear aspect of time was represented with an hour glass. The Lord had me place it directly in the center of the infinity symbol to represent that sweet spot. It is His kairos moment.

image of eternity symbol intersecting and hour glass
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It’s Greek to Me (I had to!)

Kairos is a Greek word meaning an opportune and decisive moment. When our linear time intersects with God’s divine eternity we experience a kairos moment. A moment that is a divine appointment of God.

In this image, as each grain of sand falls and intersects that exact center of eternity, we live in our divine moments. This also gives way to the thought that we can live every moment intersecting God’s divine eternity.

Fabric of Eternity

The Lord also took me to another revelation involving time, or rather eternity. Every moment in our past is fixed, completed. It can be tempting to think that means it is over and done. However, each fixed moment of our past, once completed becomes a part of the fabric of eternity.

This is how we can pull on the victories of our past. Through Holy Spirit, we can reach up into eternity (since we are eternal beings) and grab hold of whatever victory is needed. We can grab hold of moments from our own past, or from those who have gone before us.

If I need strength for advancement and victory, I can reach into the fabric of eternity and pull on the victories of Joshua. If I need to breakthrough into freedom of worship, I can pull on King David and his life. We have a great host of witnesses on which to pull, all whose moments live in the fabric of eternity.

Cleansing the Fabric of Eternity

This revelation continued with my next question to God…what about the bad stuff? What about those “less than victories” that lie fixed in my past?

The answer, nothing less than astounding.

I clearly heard the Lord say, “This is where redeeming comes into play.” When we go to the Lord in repentance, turning from our sin and healing our soul from those wounded places, the Lord redeems those times. He redeems those moments and washes them clean.

In redemption, the Lord takes those situations, strips them clean from all the enemy intended and transforms them into His plans and purposes. He redeems it all back. When we let the Lord redeem our fixed moments, that piece of the fabric of eternity becomes clean.

Why Cleanse Eternity?

I was able to see very clearly the need for this cleansing of eternity. My fixed moments of sin, failure, and rebellion sat in eternity. Our enemy is cunning and knows these principles himself. He is able to reach into heaven and pull those faults, failures, and broken places back into my life to be active in my present moments.

Once redeemed, those places of eternity are no longer effective for the enemy to use against me. In cleaning up eternity, I take away a weapon of the enemy against me. And, in cleaning up a whole generational iniquity a larger portion is taken out of the devil’s hands.

The Outcome

And there you have it, the background and revelation of the image Every Moment is Eternal. This has, to this point, been one of the most amazing experiences in creating a piece of prophetic art. Receiving a download of revelation in conjunction with a picture has been a fixed moment, I intend to pull on for a long, long time.


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