

I have a tendency (which I’m working on) to not want to do what “everyone is doing”. For example, when everyone began wearing tall boots up to their mid-calves, I was out. Not for me. Nope.

That decision wasn’t based on whether I truly liked the trend or not. It is actually a rather rebellious spirit at heart. Everyone’s doing it? Well then, not me!

image of 4 seagulls, one standing apart from the others

I have realized this (yes, I’m working on growing up a bit!) and am now starting to make my decisions based on what God wants or on my true likes and dislikes. All of this to explain that last year I was absolutely, in no way, going to ask for a “word” for the year.

Everyone and their dog were asking for words. What’s my word for the year? What’s your word for the year? Nope, wasn’t going to do it.

Until God asked me, Why not?

image of question mark magnets lying on a table, one magnet red while the others are black

Mmm. Got me. I didn’t really have a great response, and so I ended up asking Father what was my word for the year. Last year, it was ‘New’. And can I tell you, there was more ‘New’ last year than I ever thought possible. ‘New’ became my new norm.

This year, my word is…

image of a beautiful mountain with the word bold written across the picture

Yep. Bold. Now when I heard this, my immediate thought was, This could be good, or bad. Was I going to become more bold? That would be good. However, does that mean there will be many situations in which I have to be bold? Hmmm.

The word ‘Bold’ conjured up an image in my mind when I heard it. I believe it was an image from the Lord to help me further define what he was giving me for the year’s word.

The image was of a person walking straight ahead, sword slung over his back. He was walking straight on at a constant speed. All around him were explosions, light flashes, fire.

There are three aspects I want to share from this image in my mind. The first…


Images/visions from God are always so multifaceted it is sometimes hard to express the impact it has on someone. Not only is there the actual vision and all the aspects that come with that, you also have the sensing and feelings that go with it.

The figure in the image is steadfast. He is walking a straight path. He is aware of all the turmoil that may be happening on his left or his right, but it is not affecting his walk. He continues on at the same speed, neither running nor lagging.

image of a person's feet walking

It is a sense of being sure-footed, nothing will knock him off this path. He is unwavering. There is no fear or worry present, just a continual journey along the way set before him.



This holds some similarities with steadfast. To be steadfast, you need focus.

In the vision, the man is not looking to the left or right where all hell is breaking loose. His gaze is straight ahead. I suppose you could say, his eyes are on the prize. His focus is set to wherever this path is leading him, which is not seen in the image.

image of a soldier walking a straight path with a red glow

There is a strong sense that nothing will distract him. Nothing will take his eyes off the mission ahead.



Let me tell you, if I am going to walk in life with someone, the person in this image would be the one! There is an atmosphere of absolute confidence. Not arrogance, but confidence.

He knows what he is called to. He knows if he has been called, then he can do it. There is not a thought or concern that his mission won’t be carried out.

image of a sword and chain mail lying on a wooden floor

One of the first things that I noticed in this image of Bold is the sword that is on his back, not in his hand. He is so not worried, that he hasn’t even drawn his sword. With all the fire, explosions, etc. that are happening around him, he is so unconcerned that he doesn’t even feel the need to draw his sword.

Again, not arrogance…confidence.

So, as I go throughout this next year, any circumstances that come my way, I will choose boldness. I will choose to walk on, to be steadfast. I will choose to focus and be confident.

image of a warrior princess holding a golden long sword, fantasy

I know I can do this, because I am a child of God. His spiritual DNA is my spiritual DNA. And, He is all these things; therefore, I am all these things.

And…so are you!

2 comments found

  1. I saw your word Bold on Instagram. And randomly reading the bible I came across the word Bold in my reading, Isa. 45:19. I immediately thought of you and needed to jump over to your blog. Very inspiring and goes along with my vision and word on Walking in Freedom.

  2. I love the word God laid on your heart for the year and how you gave us the story behind it and how God is leading in the now! It’s going to be a good year!

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